
My legal services are aimed primarily at a large number of traders and freelancers. I also provide advice and support for political mandate holders. In appropriate cases, it is also useful for private individuals / consumers to commission me.

The industries I look after include in particular:

  • Building Contractors / Property Developers
  • Architects / Engineers
  • Property Managers
  • Security Guarding Contractors
  • Restaurant Operators
  • Textile Dealers
  • Hypermarket Contractors
  • Further Contracturs in the medium-sized segment
  • Political Representatives of the legislative Parliaments (Federal Parliament ("Bundestag"), State Parliaments ("Landtage")), of the County Parliaments ("Kreistag") and of Public Communities (e.g. representative in City Parliaments, Dictrict Parliaments
  • Start-ups, in particular in the care sector